SAPPHIRE Gas Suppression System

The HYGOOD SAPPHIRE Fire Suppression System delivering FK 5-1-12 Fire Protection Fluid is an environmentally friendly clean agent system, and the solution of choice for protecting people and high value assets.
Protecting our world
Almost every aspect of modern life has a direct or indirect effect on the environment. With increasing demand for awareness and action regarding environmental issues, SAPPHIRE systems help reduce environmental impact. FK 5-1-12 has zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and negligible global warming potential (GWP). The atmospheric lifetime of FK 5-1-12 is between three and five days making SAPPHIRE systems an ideal solution without compromising the environment.
Playing Safe
HYGOOD SAPPHIRE systems are ideal for use in occupied spaces. Independent toxicity studies have established that FK 5-1-12 is very low in both acute and chronic toxicity with high safety margins between its normal use concentrations and the No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL).
Fast acting suppression
HYGOOD SAPPHIRE systems work fast and are designed to rapidly absorb heat to the point where combustion ceases. Once actuated, HYGOOD SAPPHIRE systems deliver the extinguishant within 10 seconds, stopping fires before they have the chance to spread. Most importantly when a fire is suppressed quickly, the result is less damage, lower refurbishment costs and reduced downtime.
System design - 25 and 42 bar options
The HYGOOD SAPPHIRE System is available in both 25 and 42 bar pressures. The 25 bar system is suitable for the majority of hazards whilst the 42 bar offers additional flexibility in the design of systems, protecting larger or more complex hazards, including those incorporating selector valves for multi-zone protection and where system containers are to be located further from the protected hazard